I'm sitting in the theater as the end credits roll. Alan Silvestri's score is blaring in triumphant completion. I've just witnessed cinematic magic, it all makes sense now, I've just watched Avengers Endgame.
Days and weeks go by & yet my awe never dies. The feelings of inspiration never slacken neither do they waver. I'm sure if you're reading this now the hype around Avengers Endgame has died or is in the process of dying but for me it might take a while (I still listen to the soundtrack! 😅). Like Steve said, "...I keep telling everyone they should move on and grow. Some do. But not us." I hope you'll indulge me for a bit as l rant & rave in this blog post as I try to find closure from the hype that was Avengers Endgame.
If you think this is another review about how 'great' or 'awesome' Avengers Endgame was you're nearly right. However unlike other reviews this one centers on it's (now) famous antagonist and why I love him.
The first reason why I love Thanos is his stoicism, calm & composure. You'll never see him launch into a temper tantrum or fit of uncontrollable rage. That's not to say he doesn't get angry it just that Thanos doesn't whine or moan when things don't go according to plan. Even when fighting he shows skill & poise like when he easily dismisses the Hulk in hand to hand combat (in the opening scene of Infinity War). I really like doesn't get his feathers ruffled in the thick of things. Thanos' stoicism is also seen in his defeat in the final scenes of Endgame. As he crumbles into dust there is no final pained speech or any promises of revenge. He hosts sits down, no whining, and takes his loss like a champ.
I also love Thanos because of his love or affection for Gamora. You gotta love a guy who can kick your ass and be sweet and caring at the same time. Most pop culture villains have no place in their hearts for sentiment and tenderness. They are just cold, cruel and loveless, but not Thanos. He is just as loving as he is ruthless. Granted his love for Gamora is somewhat skewed and twisted but there is no denying the fatherly affection he has for her. His distress is clearly seen when he has to make the decision to throw Gamora off the cliff at Vomir in Infinity War. This makes Thanos an interesting character with different layers to him and not just some bad guy with a stone fetish.
And last but certainly not least - his plan. In all my years of devouring novels, comics, TV & movies I saw the same boring narrative of world dominance, wealth and power that drove each antagonist. But in Infinity War and Endgame we got a different ball game altogether. Thanos doesn't want conquest, fame or even the Infinity stones themselves. He simply wanted to balance the universe by wiping out half of it's inhabitants from existence. To put this in perspective it means he was willing to kill half of all life. Not for fame or fortune but the survival of the universe. A neccessary evil. At first glance his plan looks like simple genocide until you consider it's pay off. If earth lost 3.5 of its 7 billion plus population that would be a colossal disaster on many levels (as seen in the aftermath of the snap). However considering the finite nature of earth's resources this would mean that there'd be more for everyone that's left. More money, jobs, food would be left for the remaining 3.5 billion. It would mean a significant reduction in overpopulation, pollution and world hunger and that is the genius of Thanos' plan. It's not killing for the sake of killing, it's not done conventionally selfish reasons. It's done because Thanos genuinely believes that he is the universe's best saviour.
This plan and purpose drives Thanos throughout the MCU films and he believes it to be his destiny. Thanos' belief that he's doing the right thing this makes him unshakable, dangerous & ultimately unbeatable. To quote DC publisher Dan Didio, "...great villains define great heroes". Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to this "Mad Titan". Thanos showed me a new breed of antagonist unlike I've ever seen before with more dimensions and layers than any villain I know to date and that's why I love him.